Is it necessary to acidify the soil for hydrangeas: a mistake that all flower growers later regret

You have probably heard that the soil in which the hydrangea grows needs to be acidified if you want to change the shade of its flowers.
However, according to an Expert, agronomist, and landscape designer, this opinion has little to do with the truth, because this procedure is, first of all, for the normal development of the plant.

Hydrangea boasts excellent growth and development only on acidic soils, the pH of which is 5.5.
If you regularly acidify your hydrangea flower beds, the shrub will literally grow by leaps and bounds.
Indeed, in such conditions, the plant will be much better able to absorb the nutrients contained in it from the ground.
In addition, its inflorescences will be more magnificent and larger, and its appearance will be much healthier.
However, some gardeners, having read about the benefits of acidic soil for hydrangeas, make an unfortunate mistake, “from the start” starting to introduce acidifying compounds into the flower garden.
And it lies in the fact that you can start the procedure only after the acidity of the soil has been measured – it is likely that everything is in order with this indicator in the area allotted for hydrangea.
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